We received a number of proposals for our terrace stairway. They were all interesting designs, some traditional, some extreme. However none of them had that certain je ne sais quoi we were looking for. That was until we came across Techne Linear by Fontanot. We were bowled over by this iron based sinuously sculpted technopolymer staircase. We soon realized that the planning involved in its creation , the exciting and innovative use of materials, shapes and colours was perfectly in keeping with our concept. There is a special website where you can view and configure the stairways which are purchasable on line.

Fontanot is a company based in Rimini. It tells a tale of old world Italian excellence where skill, boldness and self-assurance have managed to transform a local workshop into an international company.
The company has now two divisions, one for consumers and another which deals with large building sites. What both divisions have in common is their skill in interpreting the needs of their customers whether these be private individuals, b & b’s, or star architects like Isosaki or Boeri.
Fontanot is present in Europe and America and – for the past few years – has also been selling online via its fontanotshops, an intelligent way to reach possible customers in their own home and to guide them in their choices.
Techne, the model chosen by MiLoft has a dedicated site - http://www.technestairs.com/ - and an application that allows you to visualize the staircase in our interiors before visiting a dealer.
Fontanot considers Techne much more than just a product, it is the manifestation of how the company now establishes it products and communication.
It is the first totally recyclable staircase in the world, this is a reflection of the company’s longtime commitment to environmental issues but also a virtuous example of how even a “stair product” can add character and personality to a space and still be safe and functional. Techne is design , a perfect balance of practical and beautiful.