They seem to emerge from the floor intriguing and capturing the look as sinuous sculptures. They integrate with other artistic and floral elements, as in one single installation.
Gentle and reassuring forms that become part of the landscape as if they were born there. They are available for exclusive relaxing or for convivial uncoventional events and meetings.
They are pleasing to the touch thanks to eco-friendly and recycled materials.
Dune relax (the brainchild of Andrea Musto and implemented by Giochisport) are displayed on the miLoft terrace to confirm their nature as design objects at the service of relaxation.

The seats, with a characteristic curvilinear design, are designed to fit any kind of outdoor environment. From restaurants to swimming pools, from terraces to public gardens, passing trough spa and park hotel, Dunerelax become the protagonist of the space in which they are inserted.
The ability to customize the coating EPDM recycled (over 21 colors available), the need for minimal maintenance, outstanding weather resistance, light weight (under 60 kg) and the sculptural line are the strengths of a chaise longue innovative and sustainable.
DUNE RELAX meets "MILOFT" concept: not a place of passage but a place to live and enjoy with its innovative design absolutely true Milan style