4BOX s.r.l.
4box is an Italian company set up by an enthusiastic and enterprising group of young businessmen whose aim was to revolutionize the mundane world of electric light switches by giving them a new twist, making them fun, invisible or even a design component in the furnishings. A group of men and women who have invented new solutions to improve our everyday life by constantly finding exciting innovative challenges.
A group of people who are open to innovation , not afraid to take risks and who have a strong sense of adventure.. Qualities that we share with MiLoft and that is why we hit it off right away.
4box has reinvented light switches making them more versatile, more design friendly and more functional. A personalized light socket that is both safe and intelligent. It is more than a product it is a solution. Hide, Wide and Side are patents that mark the only true evolution of electric sockets. Nobody else has managed to do this over the last hundred years.